Monthly Clinic – April 2021

The CWAI Clinic in April welcomed two distinguished speakers. The floor was opened by Mrs. Ajša Vodnik, the CEO of AmCham Slovenia and Vice President AmCham in Europe, sharing inspirational life story embodied in the keynote “Be You and Empower People” and encouraging women to pursue their career and life goals. Followed by speech of Mrs. Monika Hanych, the Legal Counsellor of the CZ Gov Office, Agent before the European Court of Human Rights and WG Member of CAHAI.  Mrs. Hanych was presenting the AI trends and current work of Ad Hoc Committee on AI and Human Rights by the Council of Europe and opened lively discussion tackling the various topics related to AI & Human Rights like equal treatment & unconscious biases, privacy or liability.


Be You and Empower People
Presented by Mrs. Ajša Vodnik, CEO of AmCham Slovenia & Vice-President AmChams in Europe; Entrepreneur; Business Leader and passionate motivator for positive change; Former journalist and TV host

AI & Human Rights
Presented by Mrs. Monika Hanych, Legal Counsellor of the Czech Office of the Government; Agent before the European Court of Human Rights at Ministry of Justice; Member of WG on Human Rights & Technology of the Czech Council of the Gov for Human Rights and Ad Hoc Committee on AI and Human Rights (CAHAI) by the Council of Europe