Monthly Clinic – June 2021
The sixth edition of CWAI Monthly Clinic in June brought an insight from Chile, the land between Andes and Pacific Ocean, when Mrs. María-José Escobar, Associate Professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, and Regional Office Representative for Science and Technology, Ministry of Science shared their national perspectives “Towards a Chilean Artificial Intelligence Strategy”. Moving from Chile to Hungary, Anett Mádi-Nátor, President of Women4Cyber Foundation shared her inspirational story and secret recipe “How to Navigate in Digital Era without STEM Background”. The audience could learn as well about European project called CEE HER Database of Female Experts run by GLOBSEC. Since its official launch in fall 2020, the CWAI has experienced incredible success gaining credit among private and public sector and expanding worldwide into a pool of +100 international women AI experts. It served as an inspiration for creation of similar platforms in Hungary and Chile.
How to Navigate in Digital Era without STEM Background
Presented by Anett Mádi-Nátor, President of Women4Cyber Foundation, Hungary and Director of Int. Operations & Strategic Business Development in Cyber Services
Towards a Chilean Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Presented by Mrs. María-José Escobar, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, and Regional Office Representative for Science and Technology for the Valparaíso and Coquimbo regions, Ministry of Science, Chile
Introduction of CEE HER Database of Female Experts
Presented by Mr. John Barter & Ms. Linda Tothova, GLOBSEC